Can Security Guards Detain You in the UK?


Have you ever wondered if a security guard has the power to stop you or even hold you if you’re doing something wrong? Maybe you’ve seen security guards at shopping centers or airports and thought, “Can they really do anything if I break the rules?” Well, in the UK, security guards do have some powers, but they’re not the same as police officers! In this article, we’ll look at when security guards can detain you and what that really means.

Who Are Security Guards?

Security guards are people who are hired to keep places safe. They work at shopping centers, airports, and even big buildings. Their job is to watch for anything suspicious, protect people and property, and make sure everything stays in order.

What Do They Do?

Security guards can:

  • Watch cameras and patrol the area
  • Help with emergencies
  • Ask people to leave if they’re causing trouble

Can Security Guards Detain Someone?

Now, here’s the big question: Can security guards detain you? The answer is yes, but only in certain situations.

What Does “Detain” Mean?

To detain someone means to stop them from leaving or hold them in one place. It’s not the same as being arrested, but it’s a way to stop someone if they’re doing something wrong.

When Can a Security Guard Detain You?

Security guards can detain you in the UK, but there are rules. They can’t just stop anyone for no reason! Here are the main situations when they can do it:

1. If You’re Caught Stealing or Committing a Crime

If a security guard sees you stealing something or breaking the law, they can stop you. This is called a citizen’s arrest, and it’s a power given to anyone who sees a crime happen.

2. If You Refuse to Leave

If a security guard asks you to leave a store or a building because you’re causing trouble and you don’t listen, they might hold you until the police arrive.

If You’re Causing Harm or Danger

If you’re being violent or putting others in danger, the guard can stop you to protect everyone around.

What Happens If You’re Detained by a Security Guard?

If a security guard detains you, they must be careful and follow certain rules. They can only hold you for a short time and must call the police if needed.

What Happens Next?

If you’re detained:

  • The security guard will usually ask for your details (name, address).
  • They’ll wait for the police to arrive if they need help.
  • You might be asked to leave or face legal consequences depending on what happened.

What if They Hold You Too Long?

Security guards are not allowed to hold you forever. If they keep you longer than necessary, that could be breaking the law! You have the right to ask for help or call the police if you feel something isn’t right.

Key Takeaways

  • Security guards can detain you in certain situations, but only if you’re breaking the law or causing trouble.
  • They can hold you for a short time, usually until the police arrive.
  • If you’re detained, the guard must treat you fairly and call the police if needed.


In the UK, security guards can detain you, but they’re not the same as police officers. They can only stop you if you’re committing a crime, refusing to leave, or causing harm. So, always follow the rules and stay respectful when interacting with security guards! You’ll avoid any problems and keep things safe for everyone.

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